A journal of my discoveries in the world of technological innovation in education, through the 12:21 course and forays into the wonderful world of blogs, wiki's, websites, and who knows what else!?

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

RSS Feed

 Sumi - who insisted on sitting on me while I typed.

This past week I discovered the RSS feed technique of collecting and quickly perusing websites and blogs of interest.  I subscribed to NPR, several teaching blogs and site, and a couple of calligraphy blogs.  In the process of searching for sites to subscribe to, I found some I hadn't heard of before.  After a few days of getting the feed, I trimmed it a bit, so I wouldn't be overwhelmed by posts.  I also realized I could read them just in "list" format, which was much faster than the "expanded" mode.  I started to create folders, learned how to "star" items, tried out the "recommended" items, which are based (at least in part) on my history.  Found a few good items that way as well. 

Some of the info I get on the RSS feed duplicates posts I receive on Facebook (NPR, New York Times, Edutopia, Teacher Tom), but I can also see, if I were researching some topic in particular, that I could quickly gather information this way.  It still doesn't beat my old friend Google, though.  Whatever would we do without Google??

I have yet to attach my feed to a blog, partly because I don't know how to do it -- apparently I need code?  And partly because I still experimenting with the feed.  It might be worthwhile exploring how to do that, though.

I have also added some new categories and quite a few sites/blogs to my portaportal.  I found some great resources for my students, some good teacher sites, and some other interesting bits and pieces.
I like the clean visual layout of portaportal -- it's easy to navigate and click on links to all the different pages.  This will be very helpful when I have my students start to use it.


1 comment:

  1. Nice work, Maggie! You obviously have a clear understanding of RSS and its uses. We all oversubscribe to feeds when we start out and have to trim them to manage our reader inboxes. I'm glad you are continuing to add to your Portaportal as well. You are quite the techie:-)

    Yes, it's hard to think of life B.G. (Before Google), isn't it? Now when the internet is down we feel lost and disconnected from everything.
