I realized yesterday morning that I had been dreaming about creating websites. Hmm. Too much time on the computer, perhaps?
I find, as a result of this course, that I am looking at many tasks, both educational and personal. differently. I'm thinking of ways to work "smarter," not "harder"; to improve communication with friends, family, students, parents, and co-workers; to use technology to improve my teaching methods at school and in my private calligraphy practice (I'm the president of the Casco Bay Scribes, and often teach workshops); and to organize myself more effectively.
It's quite exciting!
I read this article on Edutopia today, which introduced yet another technique that was new to me -- Prezi's.
Take a look and see what you think -- very visual, with movement and the "webbing" connection.
Here's a tutorial.
Consider the possibilities!
Prezi will be introduced to the class in our last week (next week is podcasting, then the final week is on different presentation applications). So, you are ahead of the class!
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing how this class has impacted your thinking in so many areas of your life. You have no idea how happy that makes Steve and I!
I was talking with Henry, who is majoring in Computer Technology at Carleton, telling him all about the things I've been exposed to in this class. I think he was a bit surprised/impressed to hear how comfortable I am throwing around terms like wiki, moodle, blog, portaportal, etc.! I just started another blog, this one for family recipes, instead of printing a cookbook. I figured that it's just as easy these days to go online to get something as it is to look it up in a book, and for all my college friends out there, it's one less thing to pack!