A journal of my discoveries in the world of technological innovation in education, through the 12:21 course and forays into the wonderful world of blogs, wiki's, websites, and who knows what else!?

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Congratulations... it's a Wiki!

This week brought another new challenge, and despite my initial trepidation, I started a Wiki -- you can take a look at it here. Since I often work with students who need ideas and strategies to help them have a successful school year, this is what I decided to focus on as my "test drive."  My primary concern was about security, but once I discovered that I could modify the security settings, I felt much happier.  At the moment, I have locked some pages so they cannot be changed (so my students don't add interesting information to my biography!) and the entire site is open by invitation for editing, although anyone can view it.

I do find that the wikispaces formatting is a bit awkward at times.  If you want to go back and change the size of the lettering, for instance, you are right back at square one -- and you must also change the font and color from the default.  Trying to center things is also occasionally awkward, but I'm sure I'll figure it out.  I have been able to add pictures and make links to new pages and external sources quite easily.  I even added a widget!  The result is fairly professional looking, if simple.

This week, if all goes well, I will have some of my students take a Learning Style Quiz and post some of their results on the wiki.  I'll keep you posted!

1 comment:

  1. What a wonderful wiki, Maggie! Great organization, nifty look, very well done. I agree about the tools taking a bit of getting used to, but you might notice the similarity with Moodle's text tools in part. I hope this becomes a useful tool for you and your students.

